
Rino Rappuoli PhD

GlaxoSmithKline Vaccines

Rino Rappuoli, PhD, is Chief Scientist and Head External R&D at GSK Vaccines, based in Siena, Italy and Professor of Vaccines Research at Imperial College, London, UK. Prior positions were head of Vaccine R&D at Novartis, CSO of Chiron Corporation, and head for R&D at Sclavo. He earned his PhD in Biological Sciences at the University of Siena and has served as a visiting scientist at Rockefeller University in New York and Harvard Medical School in Boston. He was elected to the US National Academy of Sciences (NAS), the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) and as Foreign Member to the Royal Society of London. He was awarded the Gold Medal by the Italian President for contributions to public healthcare in 2005. In 2009, he received the Albert B Sabin Gold Medal for his work in the field of reverse vaccinology and in 2010 the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Institute of Human Virology in Maryland. In 2013 he was nominated third most influential person worldwide in the field of vaccines (Terrapin). In 2017 he received the Canada Gairdner International Award and the European Inventor Award for Lifetime Achievement. He has published more than 650 works in peer-reviewed journals.


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