
Eduardo Arzt, PhD

Biomedicine Research Institute of Buenos Aires

Eduardo Arzt is a Member of the Research Scientific Career of the National Research Council - CONICET- of Argentina, Professor at the University of Buenos Aires, External Scientific Member of the Max Planck Society and Director of the BioMedicine Institute of Buenos Aires- CONICET- Partner Institute Max Planck Society. Has been awarded in multiple occasions with, among others, by the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, New York, USA; the Bunge and Born Foundation Award for Outstanding Researcher in Experimental Medicine , the Berthold Medaille from the German Endocrine Society and TWAS Prize in Medicine. More than 160 publications in a variety of journals such as Cell, Molecular Endocrinology, JCEM, PNAS, J. Clin. Invest., MCB, Oncogene, Endocrinology and Trends Pharmacol Sci. His work is highly cited, with an H index 40. Has been invited to write important reviews and perspective editorials and has participated as invited speaker in more than a hundred and fifty international conferences.


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