In January 2020, recent Nobel Laureates Drs. Gregg Semenza, Peter Ratcliffe, and William Kaelin, Jr. joined us in Keystone Colorado for a landmark meeting of the minds at the 10th Keystone Symposia on Hypoxia. All three have been central to the field since its inception, and key players in all the Keystone Symposia Hypoxia meetings since the inaugural meeting held in 2004.
Here they reflect on the emergence and evolution of the topic over the course of their careers, as the field has grown from basic science exploration into a vast translational arena with broad clinical impacts. Their discoveries and insights have opened up entirely new fields of research and medicine, with HIF-targeted treatments now yielding promising clinical trial results across a spectrum of diseases, from kidney disease to cancer, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and even immune regulation. In this ePanel discussion, these field leaders share their thoughts on the trajectory of the field--past, present and future-- and look forward to exciting new directions in Hypoxia research.
For more from Nobel Laureates Drs. Gregg Semenza, Peter Ratcliffe, and William Kaelin, Jr., check out our Keypoint Blog for one-on-one video interviews: