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Meet-the-Editors Roundtable

August 18, 2020
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Paloma Portela Torres, MPhil, SAGE Publishing

Lise Roth, PhD, EMBO Molecular Medicine

Alessandra Fornarelli, Dr. rer. nat., Frontiers in Immunology

Join Roundtable

Event Date/Time: Tuesday, August 18, 2:00–3:00PM ET

In this Meet-the-Editors ePanel, representatives from top tier journals including EMBO, Frontiers and SAGE Publishing, will discuss the state and direction of the field from the publishing perspective. In addition, they will share key tips on how to publish your work, and what they are looking for at the meeting.

Meet-the-Editor panels are important aspects of both in-person and virtual Keystone Symposia meetings, designed to foster connections between editors and scientists. These mutually beneficial relationships help to facilitate the publication process for researchers, while providing editors insight into exciting new discoveries and research directions to showcase in upcoming journal issues. We encourage you to take advantage of this special session, and to reach out to these editors during the meeting, to get the inside scoop on fast-tracking your work for publication.

Join us for this 30-minute ePanel discussion followed by a 30-minute live Q/A, and ask these editors your burning questions!


Speaker Image for Alessandra Fornarelli
Alessandra Fornarelli, Dr. rer. nat.
Speaker Image for Paloma Portela Torres
SAGE Publishing
Speaker Image for Lise Roth
EMBO Press

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