
WEB200424 - The Malaria Endgame

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM EDT
Wednesday, April 22, 2020

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The views expressed in this ePanel are those of the participants and not necessarily of the participants’ organizations or of Keystone Symposia.


This ePanel, filmed during the Keystone Symposia Conference: The Malaria Endgame: Innovation in Therapeutics, Vector Control and Public Health Tools at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, features field leaders Gordon Awandare, Lilian M. Ang’ang’o, Lemu Golassa and Fitsum G. Tadesse as they discuss the current state of the field, and future directions and challenges in the fight to eliminate malaria from endemic countries.

Topics will include:

  • Current state of vaccines
  • Impact of co-infections in Africa
  • Genetically modified mosquitos—benefits, risks and community engagement challenges
  • The disconnect between research and malaria control programs
  • ...and more!

Panelists will conclude with their suggested “one innovation” to eliminate malaria. In addition, they will share insights into their career path and personal experiences fighting malaria infection, with tips for junior researchers aspiring to enter the field and make a difference against this global health threat.

Register now to watch on April 22, 2020 (and available on-demand thereafter) and submit your questions for our panelists! Selected questions will be answered after the event.

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infectious disease epanels
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