Autophagy is a homeostatic process strategically positioned at the intersection of metabolism and intracellular quality control, with broad physiological and medical manifestations ranging from metabolic imbalance to neurodegeneration, infections, immune disorders, cancer and aging. In yeast, the formation and organization of the autophagosomal apparatus follows a highly prescribed sequence, starting with the pre-autophagosomal structure and ending in autophagosomal fusion with the yeast vacuole. However, in other model organisms, as well as in mammals, the autophagy machinery and its regulators show both similarities and notable differences relative to yeast.
The goals/aims of this ePanel are:
The conference will cover fundamental principles as outlined above and how they apply to basic and translational aspects of human disease. Intersections with several other stress response processes will be addressed.
Register for the Autophagy eSymposia Event