1. Global Awards:
Free registration is available for individuals from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) working in science and medicine related fields.
2. Trainee Scholarships:
Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows interested in presenting their work at the meeting may apply for a free registration.
NOTE: If applying for a trainee scholarship, please wait to register for the event until after you have been notified of your application status and have received an access code for registration. Discounts cannot be processed after registration has been paid.
3. UR Scholarships:
These trainee scholarships are available to students and postdoctoral fellows from under-represented (UR) backgrounds, to support diversity in the life science community and provide critical career advancement opportunities to all. Note, all other details including, fees, award amount, abstract submission etc. are the same as above.
4. Early-Career Investigator Awards:
These awards provide free registration to investigators from under-represented (UR) backgrounds who are just starting out their careers as assistant professor or equivalent level from government and non-profit sectors. These awards aim to expand these essential career-advancement opportunities for UR scientists, to promote diversity in top levels and leadership roles across the scientific community.