Frequently Asked Questions

What does it cost?

Most content is free, and on-demand, including all SciTalks and ePanels. eSymposia and Virtual Recaps may charge a small fee to cover costs of assembling and filming the content. Prices may vary by group rate (student, corporate, etc.), and are listed on each event registration page.

How do I access the free content?

Simply complete the free registration and login at anytime on the VKS homepage to access all free content, and any pre-registered virtual events.

Why do I need to register for free content?

It is important that we track VKS viewing for two reasons. First, by tracking what you watch, we can determine what kind of content is popular, and among which audiences, to guide future programming of interest. Second, this free content is made possible by generous donations from partners like the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, who like us to report back about the impact of their donations. In addition, these viewing numbers enable us to secure further funding to support more free access content moving forward.

How do I register for paid events?

Simply complete the registration as you would for a free event, and you will be asked to submit a credit card number for payment to complete the registration process.

How do I access live events?

Pre-register for the event at any time and then on the day of the event go to the event page and log in to your VKS account. A button will appear to access the live event and discussion forum.

What if I can’t attend the live event, or what if I register and then a conflict comes up?

Recordings of all live events are available on-demand after the event, usually within a few days. Simply return to the event page, login to your account, and click “access content” to view.

How do I submit my questions for live Q/A sessions?

When you register for a live event with Q/A, you will be asked during the registration process if you would like to submit any questions for the speaker/panelists. You may submit your question(s) at this time, or during the event via the questions tab in the Digitell player, or on Twitter using the event hashtag.

Questions, comments?
We'd like to hear from you.