Single Molecule Protein Sequencing

One Cell at a Time: Nanodroplet Sample Preparation Enables In-Depth Single Cell Proteomics

Discovery and Validation of a Blood-Based Protein Signatures for Assessing Human Health

Short Talk: Global Phosphoproteome Analysis using FAIMS on a Hybrid Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer

Short Talk: SPACE Exploration of RNA-Binding Proteins Reveals Diminished Chromatin-Binding of Mutant VCP in a Human Stem Cell Model of Neurodegeneration

Poster Session 2

Mass Spectrometry Imaging Methodologies, to Study Neuro-Oncology in Brain Cancer

Integrative Multidimensional Omics

Multidimensional Omics - Harnessing Ribosomal Profiling and Proteomics to Investigate Non Canonical Translation Events in Disease

Proteomics for Precision Medicine: A High-Throughput Platform for Proteome and Phospho-Proteome